Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Everything is Possible" by Jen Bricker

"Everything is Possible" by Jen Bricker is written in a conversational style which makes it an easy, quick, and enjoyable read.  Photographs are included in the midsection which highlight some of the moments in Jen's past, as well as being an adult and traveling the world.

Given up at birth by her biological parents, Jen was placed into the foster care system. Fortunately, she was only in the system for about three months before her adoptive parents were able to be matched with her.  She was the answer to her new mother's prayer because her new mother was unable to have more children and really wanted a daughter after having three sons.  It was a family decision to have Jen join them, a decision that has never been regretted.

Even though she was born without legs, Jen Bricker never felt as though she was handicapped or disabled.  In fact, she is grateful for the body she was given and feels that is how God works through her -- by her "uniqueness."  She is the first one to say that God gave her this body for a reason, so she could catch the attention of others "to educate, inform, and inspire" them.  She is a firm believer that everyone has the power to change someone's life by using special, unique talents and gifts.

As Jen grew up, she was raised with love, encouragement, and told that "can't" is a bad word in their home and should not be used.  Even though she was physically challenged, she was encouraged to try anything and everything she wanted to do.  She had a wonderful well-rounded childhood and grew into a caring, mature adult. 

Jen's Christian faith is first and foremost in her life and is the foundation upon which she builds her life.  Throughout the book she quotes special verses from the Bible that are important to her and have been pertinent to her life.

Throughout the book, there are sections titled "My VIPs" where someone from Jen's life, e.g., her parents, family, teachers, and friends, have written a few paragraphs on how important Jen is in their lives.

Overall, this was an enjoyable book about an amazing young woman.  I look forward to seeing what life has in store for her.

Disclaimer:  I was provided a free copy of this book by the Jen Bricker Book Launch Team for an honest opinion and review.